Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Straightening the living situation for fall

Humorous Pictures
more cat pictures



Kendra and I went up to the college this week to pick up her books for the fall semester and make a final contact with the dorm she's living at.  Books weren't a problem.. the dorm on the other hand...

It was long and gruesome... but we managed to miss out on bloodshed.  And I walked away with the information we were promised last spring.  But not without having to listen to a lot of blah, blah, blah.... 

Saturday, July 26, 2008

TGF crappy cell phone service & a sisterly IM

Yesterday Paul called to ask if I wanted him to come home for the weekend.  He is currently TDY in Northern Alabama.  Originally this testing was to be done yesterday. Weather and a few unforeseen tweaks have caused the testing time to run into next week.  So, Paul was trying to be generous and ask if I'd like him to come home for the weekend.

During our conversation he mentioned that he would be missing the parents' meeting at the h.s. monday night. Up to this point, the conversation had been good.  I can't even tell you why, but realizing that he would once again miss something about the kids because of his job kind of pissed me off. 

I took a deep breath and started my dissertation of how awful it is that he can't ever seem to make any of these meetings, etc... when suddenly he says "Stel?"  "Stel?... can you hear me?"  I stop my rant.. answer back with "Yes, can you hear me?"   and then the line was dead.

I am telling you.. if it were not for the fact that my "land line" is a cable line and I couldn't call anyone immediately following that hang up.. I would suspect Paul of pulling the classic "I'm going into a tunnel and I can't hear you" ploy.

By the time I was able to reach his cell phone to leave a message... I was done being mad about what I (nor he) can control... I left him a message to come home for the weekend.

Of course, that means this morning is dedicated to making the house look a little less like "animal house" and a little more like a home. I forewarned the kids last night that I would be waking them around 10 am so they could help with the straightening up since they helped with the messing it up.

This morning I was on line reading emails and playing a game, waiting for 10 AM when my sister caught me in an IM.  It was kind of funny.. so I share it with you now:

Sister:  What is my sister doing?

Me: I'm playing a game, waiting for 10 when I can wake up the slaves.. I mean kids.

Sister: funny

Me: I know.. I'm just too cute for words..  what are you up to?

Sister: Did I tell you that they are splitting Lisa and me up at work?

Me: No.. what did you two do.. talk too much?

Sister: Nope, we were too they are breaking up the teams so there is one strong member and one weak member.

Me: Do you know who they are setting you up with?

Sister: Yes,  I'm going to work for Judge fillintheblank and Cesily. Cesily says we will make a better team than Lisa and I did, but I don't see how.

Me: Maybe Cesily likes to be bossed around?  :)

Sister: You're mean!

Me: (seriously LMAO).. LOL

Sister: I don't boss Lisa around... I manage her.. there is a difference

Me: (laughing even harder) LOL...

Sister:  I have to go now..

Me: LOL. okay have a good day!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sister Road Trip 2008

My sister and I are getting ready to do our annual vacation.  We are going on the road this time.  My plan is for us to visit Nashville, Atlanta and Savannah.   Neither of us have spent any real time in these cities. 

So I'm open to any suggestions you folks might have.  I can plan this on my own.. but was hoping for some input from the peanut gallery. :)   Thank you

Monday, July 21, 2008

musings on medication

I slept better last night than I have in a while.  Not the whole night, but at least enough to be functioning today. After the last four days of illness, I can see how easy it is to accidentally overdose on medications.  Especially if no one else is monitoring your consumption. 

All you want is relief from symptoms. You take something you think will help, and it does for a little while....but then symptoms return and you think.... guess it's time for another dose....but it's really not.  Don't worry about me... I am fine,  and I tend to err on the side of caution anyway.  With the kids, I always write down the times and names of medications they take.  I guess I should do the same with myself.

Today, Kendra has a dental appointment. First one with our new dentist.  Another task I can cross off my list of  "to do" items.  Everyone will have seen our new dentist with Kendra's visit today.  To celebrate the four of us (sans Paul) are going to the bowling alley to have lunch and bowl a game.  They have a sweet deal here, the shoes, meal and two games for about $7.00.   Works for us. :)

Anyway, won't be any pictures of this event because Paul has my camera. grrr

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I know what to get Paul for his birthday

Whenever I am sick, I have a hard time sleeping at night.  I'm not sure why this is... perhaps the dark feels more claustrophobic?  At any rate.... I stay up late watching anything I can find on TV (last night was a gore fest of  Dawn of the Dead, Rest Stop, & Room 6).

I mentioned in an earlier entry that I received a digital camera for my birthday.  Any pictures on this site since mid-June are courtesy of that camera.  Paul has taken my camera on at least one TDY flight event.  He's taking off with it again today for another assignment.  (He does ask permission first).  I've decided that this is what he needs for his birthday.  I really don't like being without my camera.

So, my shopping goal in the next two weeks or so (Aug. 15 is his birthday) is to find the brother of my camera for him.  And then I can be selfish with mine from now on..   I don't really share well.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pictures from the Aquarium

Fever broke yesterday. Now I just have a sore throat and headache. I'm hoping that will be gone by tomorrow.  doubt it, but I can hope. :)

Here the four kidlets are as we arrive inside the aquarium. Chad is the one on the left.

Spider crabs.  very scary to look at, there were several in the tank.  They didn't move much though.. so probably not so scary at all. Kind of remind me of the face huggers in Alien.

These are garden eels. Kind of reminded me of those wispy things in the Seawitch's garden in The Little Mermaid.   The orange striped ones were pretty.

Jellies (not jelly FISH since they don't share any of the characteristics that make fish "fish").

The Beluga Whale.. beluga means white in russian... very playful animal.

some of the colorful fish from the coral reefs

Observation bubble that allowed the kids to get an eye to eye view of the penguins. Chad jumped in to check it out.

Whale Sharks. The whole reason for our visit. Very cool. very large.. and they aren't even the largest they can get... impressed the heck out of me though.

My favorite sea creatures are the sea horse and sea dragon.. this is one of the sea dragons.  Oneof the sea dragons at the aquarium is carrying eggs on its tail.  They are due to hatch in the next two weeks.  Very cool.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Chad has gone home and now I'm sick

I seriously doubt one has anything to do with the other, but ....

We drove Chad back to Atlanta (being an UM he must have a flight without layovers) on Tuesday and while we were still all together we went to the Georgia Aquarium.  Small, but really cool.  I could easily have spent another hour there just watching the animals and fish. We ate at Hard Rock Cafe (a habit we began while in Europe).  Wednesday we took Chad to the airport and once he was airborne, we drove home.

Yesterday morning I woke up kind of achy.  As the day progressed, I started shaking and my teeth chattered.. I felt like I was freezing to death. Checked my temp and it was at 99. degrees.  Took some tylenol and an hour later my temp had climbed to 101.5.  So I went back to bed, adding extra blankets.  Woke up two hours later, burning up...

Anyway... still going back and forth between 99 and 101.5 on temp. Slept like crap last night. Throat sore today.  I really hate being sick.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer Fun

Chad, Kendra and Kim climbing the horizontal wall at Desoto Caverns

Mac and Chad finishing at the bumper cars

Kim and Kendra panning for gems

Kim on the gocarts

Chad during the water balloon fight

Chad golfing

What could be more satisfying than lemonade on the back porch?


Haven't written in a while.. thought I'd do this interview that I picked up at Madison's journal... :)
1. What was the highlight of your day?   Playing Laser Tag with Kim, Mac and Chad
2. How many meals do you usually eat a day? 3 meals, two snacks
3. What's your favorite movie? The Patriot
4. Have you ever thought George Clooney was hot?  Yes, in his younger days. 
5. Have you ever doubted your sexual orientation?  Nope
6. How long has it been since you have seen an ex?  Define "seen"?  I emailed with an ex-boyfriend yesterday... we were catching up on each other... it's been 26 years since I last saw him.
7. Name 5 of your best friends  Lisa, Susan, Leigh, Sarah, my mom
8. Would you ever consider moving to Zimbabwe?  not enough money in the world.
9. What would you do if someone dyed your pubic hairs bright Pink  Wait for it to grow out.
10. Would you dye your hair pink (the hair on your head)?  probably not
11. When was the last time you had StarbucksHot chocolate in February I think
12. Are you single? Nope
13. What is your opinion on global warming?  I think it is over-exaggerated, but I do think we need to change how we deal with our world.
14. What about abortion?  I believe no woman should die because a safe abortion is not available.
15. Which would you rather star in?  High school musical or Striptease?  High School Musical
16. What's the worse movie you've ever seen? Gee, there are so many... I think the worst was "Bringing Out the Dead" starring Nicholas Cage, followed very closely by "Town and Country"
17. How many times do you sneeze a day?  Usually three times in the morning.
18. Are you an "adult"? Mostof the time... I do have my "2 year old" moments though.
19. Where do you live? Lower Alabama
20. Have you ever thought Michael Jackson was going to kidnap you?  Nope, though I did worry for my children.. ha ha
21. What color hair do you have?  Darkest Brown
22. Would you rather have a hybrid vehicle or a Hummer? a hybrid
23. Who is prettier:  Angelina Jolie or Kate BosworthAngelina Jolie
24. What do you think about the tabloids? That they print anything to sell papers.
25. Have you ever been to Texas? Yes
26. Would you want to go?  Not to San Antonio during the summer, but other parts ... sure
27. Do you wear a watch?  Most of thetime ... no..
28. Have you ever had the sensation that you were falling while asleep? Yes, and I hate that.
29. Would you rather work at Goodwill or McDonalds?  Goodwill
30. What do you think about Britney Spears' 16 year old sis getting pregnant?  I wonder how a child of that age has enough unsupervised time to end up pregnant....
31. Do you recycle?  yes, and have been for years.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why I avoid Debates

I recently received an e-mail from a friend of mine.  I'm not sure why we are friends because he is so far to the left and I am so far to the right that a lot of our correspondence is more irritating than it is uplifting.

I think we like to practice our debating skills on one another.  The one thing that I have learned in debating this friend for the last 8 years is that most people choose to debate for the purpose of changing YOUR mind.  They have already selected their stance and there is usually nothing that can be said or done to change that view.

Case in point.. he recently sent me a link about the 9/11 conspiracy ... covering the black smoke (it wasn't a hot fire)... the collapse of the third building (why when it wasn't touched by a plane or debris)... and goodness knows what all.  I read the stuff he sent.. I watched the video.. and at the end, I remained unconvinced.  So, I began my own research and found some really good anticonspiracy sites that could address each point with sound reason and pictures to boot.

And all my friend could say was.. "I find it hard to take someone seriously when they can't structure a grammatically correct sentence."  LMAO... this one thing (which, by the by... is all in the eye of the beholder) was the only thing that he could take issue with?  Grammar?

So, I've decided it's time to quit debating the folks that want to debate.  What they really want to do is change my mind, and that's all I want to do as well.. point out the errors of their thought process.  Which pretty much brings us to a point of having to agreeto disagree... therefore.. why debate?