Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why I avoid Debates


I recently received an e-mail from a friend of mine.  I'm not sure why we are friends because he is so far to the left and I am so far to the right that a lot of our correspondence is more irritating than it is uplifting.


I think we like to practice our debating skills on one another.  The one thing that I have learned in debating this friend for the last 8 years is that most people choose to debate for the purpose of changing YOUR mind.  They have already selected their stance and there is usually nothing that can be said or done to change that view.

Case in point.. he recently sent me a link about the 9/11 conspiracy ... covering the black smoke (it wasn't a hot fire)... the collapse of the third building (why when it wasn't touched by a plane or debris)... and goodness knows what all.  I read the stuff he sent.. I watched the video.. and at the end, I remained unconvinced.  So, I began my own research and found some really good anticonspiracy sites that could address each point with sound reason and pictures to boot.

And all my friend could say was.. "I find it hard to take someone seriously when they can't structure a grammatically correct sentence."  LMAO... this one thing (which, by the by... is all in the eye of the beholder) was the only thing that he could take issue with?  Grammar?

So, I've decided it's time to quit debating the folks that want to debate.  What they really want to do is change my mind, and that's all I want to do as well.. point out the errors of their thought process.  Which pretty much brings us to a point of having to agreeto disagree... therefore.. why debate?


Anonymous said...

So many people have a hard time grasping that theory...to agree to disagree. One would think you could with a solid friendship...unfortunately it isn't always the case. You do get tired of someone constantly debating their case and not relenting. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

My SIL sounds just like that guy.  I don't bother debating with her at all anymore.  She can't even agree to disagree!  LOL Gets on my nerves! So I agree.....why even debate?