Thursday, April 27, 2006

Where did the energy go?

Lately, I've had a deplorable lack of energy.  Oh, not for life... Life is actually quite great.  But for the day to day things that really need to get done.. Like housework. and laundry.  UGH!  If I'd had any idea that I'd feel this way when Paul got back, I'd have planned for a housekeeper at least three times a week.  Someone to come in and motivate me to clean and help divide the work up.

Paul has decided that he needs to lose a few pounds.  He weighed in on Monday this week at 225 and he's not happy about that.  He's gained a few pounds since he's been home.  So we started dieting together.  This is a plus and minus thing.  On the one side, it's good to be cooking for more than just me again (my kids don't like my taste in food) and he's a great sous chef, but on the other side... it's easy for one of us to convince the other that "just this time" we can eat something off plan.


So this week, I've lost about a pound.... and he's already lost three.  <sigh> Just seems unfair to me.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the loss.  You only have 1 lb. to lose.  The next one!  Men lose much faster than us anyway.  Don't let it get ya down.  It's great he's doing this with you.  Hugs,  Dana

Anonymous said...

Estela see him as the enemy with the "just this one time" stuff because remember HE won't pay for it, YOU will!  ;o)
How are things going for Paul with the headaches?

Anonymous said...

Girl one pound is still better than none ! I know it is so unfair the way they can just drop pounds like it was nothing! But youhave to remember you have been at this longer so it is gonna take you a little longer to lose now but I bet when you first started this journey you wre losng a little faster !  I hat e that men are wired so different when it comw to the weight loss ! LOl Good luck girl ! Kick his ass in the weight loss !

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the weight loss....and remember it doesn't matter how slow it comes off because it all adds up!!! It is unfair that men lose faster than us AND they can eat more too....Pffffffft!! Oh well, you still rocked girl.....good for you!

Pooh Hugs,