Saturday, June 24, 2006

All stressed out and no one to choke!

So, darling daughter Kendra wakes us up this morning at 4:30 AM to let us know she is having pain in her back (kidneys, most likely).  I ask her if she's been taking her Septra (prophylactic antibiotic).  Her and her dad inform me that she's been out of them for the last TWO weeks!!!!  ... Well.. hell.. I know what is wrong with her, she has a kidney and/or bladder infection. 

They are trying to deny that this is what it is. I'm pissed off because at this point, we have no military medical facility to take her to for "urgent care" (our closest facility is in the process of closing their doors so they are no longer open 24/7).  This means our options are to take her to Nurnberg and have her seen at a German urgent care facility.  NOT my idea of a fun time...language barrier aside, I don't care for the "wait and see" process that German doctors take. OR we can wait until our post clinic opens on Monday Morning to call and see if we can get her in.

So.. I'm pissed off at my daughter and husband because they obviously were aware of the lack of medication, but yet did nothing to take care of this issue.  I left my room because inspite of my years of experience with Kendra and knowing how things go with her health... these two are trying to tell me it's NOT an infection. Well.. I'm done talking to Mr and Miss denial, so I left the room. 

The two of them are back to sleep in bed and I'm stuck here still awake and worrying about her. OHHH.. and Paul.. just before he goes back to bed, comes out here and tells me she's crying because I was so MEAN about the fact that she ran out of medication. WTF????


Anonymous said...

Oh,  I would be pissed too.  Den has chronic kidney disease/failure so we know when he gets an infection, etc and sounds like Kendra has one.  He used to be able to take Septra but a few yrs. ago, he became allergic.  That was the best med for him.  He's been going thru this for 38 yrs.  I've been with him 24.  After all these yrs., you would think that when you move to another state & tell the new dr. you have an infection, they would have enough brains not to ask how do u know if you have one?  Ah duh!  He's been going thru this almost his whole life.  He don't need a test to tell him he has one just a test to find out which kind of infection and which antibiotic would work which is the same test.  You weren't mean. You're pissed & rightfully so.  I believe patients have responsibility in their health care depending on age & understanding (IDK how old Kendra is) and if Kendra's problem is chronic & she knows she needs her meds, she should be responsible enough to tell ya she needs them.  Hope yall get into a dr. right away and she feels better. Hugs,  Dana

Anonymous said...

Oh brother!! Yep, you have every right to be unhappy and I would have been too.....any of us Moms would!! I hope she is feeling better when youu read this :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I would say thqt they should definitely have told you that he was out of meds and especially since you were going to be moving an dit may take a little bit for her to get a new prescription! Hang in ther honey! It will all work out ! I know you must be frustrated at this  point trying to get ready to go ! Hopefully it will all settle down when you guys get back to the states ! Good LUck with the move and the getting ready and take care of that girl!