Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Here are some of the pictures from our trip to Berlin.  The first one is my sister, Susan, the second one is me. We had a great time during our weekend in Berlin, but the weather was a bit against us and there was some rain to contend with.

Today is my birthday.  I am officially 46 years old and no closer to my goal than I was at my birthday last year.  This just shouldn't be this dang hard.

At any rate, Paul and the kids got me a really great camera, I can't wait to use it.  No, it's not digital.... I prefer prints... but it is a sweet little number with loads of possibilities.  I also got a book that I've been wanting, "Guests of the Ayatollah."

I weighed in this morning at 220.0 , up a bit from last week...but I havent exercised or dieted, so I'm not complaining... and as we so often say "Tomorrow is another day."

Time for cake, so I'm out of here.  Hope everyone has a great day! 


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL   It looks like youguys had a great time! I wish thta my sisters and I could get along long enough to go on a trip together! I hope your birthday was great !

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Estella!! I hope your day was magical and your cake yummy :)
The pictures are great! You and your sister look a lot alike, except for the smile......your beautiful one wins hands down, your eyes even sparkle :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you... I am sorry I missed it..