Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Complancency is the worst thing

There is just no way that I can make myself seem good in this narrative.  Suffice it to say that Today has been one of those "horrible no good days" and that thanks to how things fell apart, I've managed to feel like I count for nothing to my family.  I always go to bat for them, but nobody was on my side today. 

I am seriously considering leaving Paul because I don't like this at all.



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you are feeling down today.  I know that our family can hurt us more then they will ever know...  Hang in there, you are worth everything..... ;;;;hugs;;;;;  MaryAlice

Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry you were hurt and I will pray for you and Paul. Hopefully everything will look better tomorrow.....hang in there and remember you are very special.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

You know me and I'm not a side taker but I think it really is just the stress of all that has been going on these past few months ! I think maybe the move and the trouble that he was having completing his husband duties  may have gotten to him ! sometims they don't erealize just how much their words can hurt us  as men don't get that way when we go off on them ! I hope that everything is better now ! Or atleast getting bettr !  I hope that once you guys get back in the states that youwill be able to  take some tie just for you or maybe a mini vacation with just you and Paul so you guys can focus on just yourselves instead of all that is happening in your life right now !
((( Estea and Family )))
