Saturday, March 24, 2007

two years older, wiser and apparently heavier

So.. in a rash moment of "what the heck".. I skipped back to my first entry into this journal.  It was March 28, 2005 and my "starting" weight at that time was 209.


Here I am two years later, how many restarts later and 20 lbs heavier.  Guess this wasn't the successful diet journal I was hoping it would be.


Funny thing is.. when we arrived in Germany back in January of 2004.. I weighed 229-232 lbs.  In the first year that we lived in Germany, I lost 20 lbs without trying.  Now that I'm "trying" (we'll use that term very very loosely) to lose weight, I've managed to gain back 20 lbs over two years. 



Anonymous said...

oh honey I know that  must be rough but you can turn it around all you have to do is take it one day at a time. I am here for you if you need someone.

Anonymous said...

Ain't it a lot more fun to gain than to lose?   Funny though, when I begin to lose a little, I begin to feel a little hope...and when I've lost a bit, I actually do like that feeling better than eating.  
I've never had it this hard before.   I've heard that when you get older it gets harder to lose..."harder" being slower I suppose...but I'm doing it, and you can, too.   We can all do this together, because we need each other's support!!    We will do it!    Freedom Fighters, we are!!!!!!   Freedom from this addiction.   Come on...fight with me!!