Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's been busy

Paul is gone again this week. I swear to goodness he tells me exactly where he's going and what he's doing, usually at least twice... but then I'm sitting here and I can't remember exactly what it is this particular trip is about.  I know it involves the Apache, and that they may take a day longer than planned, but other than that.. I don't remember.  LOL.

I'm focusing on things like grocery lists, having Kim at school early so she can make up her test from last week, being sure that Kendra has money for gas, making out the next few weeks of Mac's school schedule, laundry, cleaning, etc, etc, etc... so needless to say... what stood out during our conversation last night was "I may be back a day later than planned."

Last week Kendra had her spring break.  Kim didn't... but we pulled her out of school for two days and all of us went to San Antonio for a long weekend.  I had no idea that St. Patrick's day is such a big deal in S.A.! They dye the river green, there is a parade, a party, a big "to-do" in the park.. it's just a crazy four day celebration of all things Irish.

Hard to believe that we didn't go there for that, when one considers the number of folks that were there exactly for the celebrations.

Our focus was to spend some time with Kendra's friend, Alex.  He's currently serving in the Air Force and is stationed in S.A. We grabbed him up on Friday and dragged him along with all of us to Sea World.  I think that the five of us can be kind of overwhelming to people at times, but I give Alex a lot of credit.. He could hang.. LOL.  He was a real trooper when it came to the serious interrogation he received from me. 

And he passed.  Which means he's either really experienced with the whole Parent Interview.... or he has really thought about where he'd like to be in the next few years.  I am impressed either way.

Saturday we let Kendra and Alex find their own fun. The rest of us explored the many shopping  opportunities in S.A. We also managed to catch a movie. We saw "Horton Hears a Who".  I did not have any particular interest in this movie.. but it was really good.  I was afraid Paul was going to hurt himself he was laughing so much!

Sunday was spent driving and listening to THE HOBBIT on CD. We use these long drives to hear a lot of "books on tape".  Helps keep the driver awake.  Didn't help me though, I think I slept 8 of the 14 hours we were on the road.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't listen to her husband when he says something important, lol.

Anonymous said...

Glad I'm not the only one who can't remember what hubby says :) It sounds like SA was a blast....I'm so glad you were able to get away as a family and have so much fun. You were making memories that will last forever!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun in S.A.  I love that city!


Anonymous said...

sounds like a cool trip..