Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mate meme

Picked up this meme over at Dana's spot: Mate Meme . Considering Paul's recent departure and the "drama" that occurred... this might not be the best time for me to complete this.. but I like to think I'm fair-minded... let's see how it goes.

1. Who is your mate?


2. How long have you been together?

Dec. 31 will be 30 years.  Married for 25 years

3. How long dated?

Two years . Engaged for 2. 5 years. 

4. How old is your mate?


5. Who eats more?

Whoever's had the most stress that day. Typically, though.. his portions tend to be bigger than mine.

6. Who said "I love you" first?

After this long, I can't remember....The important thing is that we've never stopped saying it.

7. Who is taller?

Paul is.  He's 6'2" and I'm 5'2".  (in my defense, when we started dating he was only 6 ft tall)

8. Who sings better?

He thinks that I sing better. When we first got married, I used to sing him to sleep every night. Since he's still with me, I guess it wasn't too bad, huh?

But I love his voice too. When the kids were babies, he'd sing to them and it was heaven to hear.

9. Who is smarter?

Depends on the topic. We'd make a kick-ass team on Jeopardy.

10. Whose temper is worse?

His temper is just as bad as mine, but I have a much shorter fuse.

11. Who does the laundry?

LMAO... after Tuesday, you can rest assured he isn't doing it anymore.  

12. Who does the dishes?

This is why we had children.  The kids take turns. Once they move out, my money is on Paul doing the dishes
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?

He sleeps to my right.
14. Who pays the bills?

He pays the long term bills, and I pay the household bills.   

15. Who has bigger feet?

Comparatively speaking, I think that I do... I wear a size 9... he wears a size 10 (which is kind of small for his height).

16. Who has longer hair?

Hands down, I do.. even at it's shortest, my hair is still longer.

17. Who is better with the computer?

Paul.. he amazes me with what he can get our computers to do. 

18. Who mows the lawn?

here's the funny thing.. I actually LIKE mowing the lawn, but Paul does it whenever he's home (although he hates it) because he thinks it's "his job".

19. Who cooks dinner?

I am head chef, he's my "go for" chef... when he's not available, Kimberly fills his role.

20. Who drives when you are together?

Depends on where we are going and to whom arriving on time is more important.  Otherwise he drives... I think it's a control thing.

21. Who pays when you go out?

50/50 split... sometimes he does, sometimes I do

22. Who is most stubborn?

he is... I will often give in to him just to end the damn fight.

23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?

I am seldom wrong, but I am the first one to apologize for an argument.

24. Whose parents do you see the most?

We come from the same home town. We usually stay at my Mom's place because there is more room, but I think we do a good job of sharing the time equally.

25. Who kissed who first?

He kissed me... that is what completely won me over. Never before and never since have I ever been so impressively kissed.

26. Who asked who out?

I asked Paul out first. I had been invited to a New Year's Eve party (77/78). The idiot I was dating at the time decided to pout that night and wouldn't go. So... as a last resort I called my good old buddy, Paul, hoping that he didn't already have plans. He didn't.  :)

27. Who proposed?

I honestly don't know... we dated for so long...I think there just came a point when it was "a done deal".  But I got the official engagement ring on Christmas of 1979

28. Who is more sensitive?

I cry more.. so I guess that means I am

29. Who has more friends?

 I do.  Paul is the consummate introvert.

30. Who has more siblings?

We both have two siblings. He has two older brothers and I have an older brother and younger sister.

31. Who wears the pants in the family?

As my children love to say "Daddy wears the pants in the family, but Mommy makes the rules."  LOL  


Anonymous said...

LOL, I just done this same meme.
I love your answer of who said I love you first.....that was good*
So are ya'll off to buy fitting red clothes? hehehe


Anonymous said...

lmao I loved it girl .

Anonymous said...

You should have Paul do the meme and make him your "guest blogger".  


Anonymous said...

Haha I love our answer to #23.  I think I'm seldom wrong too.  And #29 is the same with Den.  Thx for letting me get to know you better.