Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Birthday Central

September is a busy month for birthdays at our house and within the larger family frame.  Paul's mom's birthday is this month, and my dad's was the 13th. Kimberly, my middle daughter celebrated her 14th birthday on the 15th, Kendra my oldest daughter turned 17 today.  My niece, Tina was 27 on the 11th.

The picture is of Kendra and Kim, during the summer at WaterWorld in Phoenix Arizona.

Kimberly came into this world at 4:30 AM on September 15, 1993.  She weighed 9 lbs and was 22 inches long.  She is now 5ft 6 inches and shows no signs of being done growing vertical yet. :)  She is a beautiful girl, both in body and soul.  I see the potential that lies deep within her still.  And I am enjoying watching her become.

Kendra came into this world at 1:28 AM on September 20, 1988.  She weighed 9 lbs and was 21 inches long.  She is now 5 ft 4 inches and it looks like this may be the final height for her.  I can't believe that my oldest baby is just one year from being a "legal" adult.  She is everything I would hope that she'd grow up to be.  Smart, Independent, trustworthy, loving, and most definitely NOT afraid to stand up for herself. I have great faith that she will achieve her goals.


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