Sunday, September 25, 2005

Starting again- taking up my personal challenges

Well.. here it is Monday again and time to start the ritual first day.

I'm participating in a challenge regarding inches lost, but not sure how long that challenge is going to last.  However sometime today I will need to do my measurements and get them to the "keeper of the measurements".

I have to use a communal laundry room in the basement.  No biggie, except for some reason my key won't open the door this morning.  I'm pretty sure I have the right key, but.. it just won't tumble.  I'm going to need to borrow my neighbor's key in a bit.  I think I may end up having to get new keys made. At any rate, it's sort of annoying to have so much laundry to do today and no way in (at the moment) to the machines.

I'm also working on getting my 90 days of iron supplements in.  I have been anemic for a while and the doc wants me to take supplements for 90 days and test again.  If the test is still low, then he will explore other reasons why I might be anemic.

Well, I guess that is all for this morning.

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