Saturday, February 9, 2008

Long Day of Unpacking

What a long day! Paul and I spent most of the day working on the house. We started off by gathering up things that needed to go to our long term storage place. Then we came home and hung pictures.

We did an inventory of items we needed (like towel bars), measured spaces and headed out to Lowe's after lunch.  Came home from there and put up more stuff (like the towel bars).

We spent most of the evening opening up boxes and arranging our "nik naks" on the various shelves we use for display stuff.  Then we packed up the items we aren't displaying this time.  Tomorrow we'll be dropping more boxes off to the storage.

I am hoping we'll have the house all done by the end of next weekend. Paul leaves on the 19th for a week-long test and eval of a new system.  I'd like to have the house "finished" by then.  It would be nice to walk through the house without hitting my legs on corners of boxes.

I just know I'm going to have bruises all up and down my legs after today. <sigh>


Anonymous said...

I'm exhausted just imagining all that work!  You deserve a cold ber or four!  ;)


Anonymous said...

As hard as you two are working, I'm sure it'll be done before he leaves!!  Take a break!!


Anonymous said...

LOL, been there and done that, so understand about the bruises from boxes.  Hope it works out as planned!  God Bless

Anonymous said...

i remember the moving days!... here's to getting finished!

Anonymous said...

This just has me thinking....burn it all and start over. lol
I hate moving, but the worst part for ya'll is over.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do it girl , I would go insane lol

Anonymous said...

Hope your packing gets done soon.  I remembere all the packing, unpacking, and moving days, hated it!

Anonymous said...

Packing/unpacking....UGH!!!! Hope you get finished soon and treat yourself to a nice reward when you are done :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine packing up my house, let alone unpacking it all! Here's to seeing the finish line soon! (Hugs) Indigo