Friday, May 2, 2008

Adventures in Troy Land

Yesterday I met up with Kendra on the University campus to accomplish a few things.  First, we needed to find the right people to fix her transcript from SMC so she can sign up for her classes for next semester. Second, we were going to swing by to take a look at her room for next year so she could plan out her decor.  Finally, I was going to treat her to lunch.

Well... we wandered over to Smith Hall to talk with the head of the English Department to fix the transcript. No light on in the classroom, no office to be found.  Normally I try to stay out of Kendra's education issues.  I see her college years as something her dad should be helping her navigate (and up to now, he has.) So I wasn't clued in to exactly how we ended up in this hallway trying to figure out how to find this person.  I asked Kendra to give me the litany of how she got this name.  After hearing the whole thing, I said.."Let's go back to the Admin office and see if this is something they can deal with."

So.. off to the Admin office. We started back at the  beginning.  The young lady there directed us to a Mrs. McGaugh. What the problem is, is that Kendra's Comp I at SMC did not transfer as a Comp I class, and so she's being blocked from signing up for Comp II.  Mrs. McGaugh gave us the "straight poop" of what and who Kendra needed to see to fix the snafu.  (Fill out a substitution form, provide a copy of the class description from the class she had in Md, take both forms to her advisor, English Dept, and finally to the Dean of Education.) So... game plan is now correct and measurable.  Problem heading towards solution.

Then we went off to see her room for next year.  They are still in the process of building (they were supposed to be done last month), but promise us we'll be able to see the room by the end of next week (doubtful, looking at how much is yet to be done...and the number of workman on the project.).  So.. strike out there.

So, off to lunch we go.  Kendra wanted to eat at a place called Sante Fe Steakhouse.  I parked facing out to the road.  As I was getting out of my van, I noticed that the butt of the van was hanging out the back of the parking space AND I was a bit too close to one of the lines.  So I popped back in the van to re-park it... I had one leg hanging out the van and I'm moving it in this ackward postion.  LMAO... (I can laugh now, scared the sh-t out of me yesterday)... I couldn't find the brake pedal and the van (at about 5 miles an hour) pops over the low curb and starts heading towards the street and Kendra (she had moved to the front of the van to direct me)  She just stands there and watches!! I'm trying to find the brake pedal, I can't stop the van, so I start waving my hands at her to GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!  And she still just stands there.  Finally, when the van is about to hit her, she jumps to the side. Then my foot found the brake and stopped the van before getting to the street.  Now I have to back the van back off this curb/planting area.  My tire gets caught in a deep groove in the dirt and I have to really gun it to get it back down into the parking space.

All ended well and (thankfully) there were no witnesses to my foolishness.  My hands shook for at least 10 minutes afterwards.  Kendra was laughing at me... "Now I can tell my friends my mother actually tried to run me over!" (Peals of laughter when she says this). 

Oh my word! Okay.. so what I learned is that I need to have both legs in the car when I'm going to adjust it. I think the crazy angle I was at is why I had such a hard time finding the brake.


Anonymous said...

ROFL......I can just picture the scene!  Yeah I would keep both legs in.  Did the brake move on you or something that you couldn't find it?  Thanks Estela for the laugh this morning.  I know it had to scare you at the time.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!! Laughing with you, not at you! Oh, okay, I am laughing AT you, but just a little!! :)  I can totally see that happening to me....and when I have those days (and I have) I always figure I was someone's entertainment for the day! :) All kiddin aside, glad you didn't hit Kendra!!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

That could have ended up badlt -- glad you're both okay.


Anonymous said...

What a visual, LOL.  I am glad you both are okay!  God Bless!

Anonymous said...

OMG, to funny.  The really sad part about this is I used to have a habit of moving a car I used to have, by just putting part of myself in to do it. That all stopped when I ran over my own lilac bushes, lol.
Hope everything goes ok with the transfer of courses, I know what a pain that can be.

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed at how much they expect parents and students to do to keep track of class requirements, etc. When you look at the price your paying for each semester it makes you want to ask and I'm paying for?

I can see my daughter using that same line and bringing it up continuously at the frop of a hat. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

we have all done this one way or another