Friday, August 18, 2006

In my inbox

In my inbox today I recieved a forwarded e-mail from a friend of mine.  It is in the typical spam fashion a cry for American solidarity against yet another perceived slight to the American heroes.

This call to action was over a postage stamp that the USPS is putting out this year to "comemorate" the Muslim holiday of Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر), often abbreviated as simply Eid. This Email that I received called for a boycott of the stamp at the Post Office.

First of all, I am alarmed by this sort of thing because it is such a hate-mongering position to take.  The battle lines are drawn over the fact that it commemorates a MUSLIM holiday and (by the conclusion made in the letter) we are currently fighting the MUSLIMS, to say nothing of the numerous bombings that have occurred against U. S. interests because of the MUSLIMS.

There are many, many, many law abiding muslims in our country as well as in other countries.  The bombs and the fighting goes on between extreme factions of these religions. 

To compare all muslims to the militant groups that have created the havoc to which we are currently working to restore order, would be like saying all American Christians are as guilty as the singular group that is picketing the funerals of our dead soldiers.

At a time when tolerance is so desperately needed, and understanding amongst all of us, this type of email is confusing to me on so many levels.

First of all... Why would any other faith buy these stamps to begin with?  I mean... I don't buy Hannakuh stamps, heck ... most years I don't even buy Christmas stamps, so why would I buy EID stamps when I don't even celebrate this holiday?

Secondly, none of us like to be all wrapped in together as a single entity.  Like all Americans agree with Bush, or don't agree with Bush, or are embarrassed that he's from Texas.  Not all of us agree that our presence is necessary in the Middle East. .... If we are not comfortable with one statement describing all of us.... why would we use one statement to describe all Muslims?

I respect my friend's right to feel this way.  I respect my friend's right to feel strongly enough about this stamp to forward such a note to my e-box.  I will not be sending it on to any of my other friends because it does not reflect my view.  I hope that more people stop the note in the boxes as well.  I hope it is recognized for the hate mail that it is.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen sista...  I also deleted it when I got it....  MaryAlice