Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas After Action Report

We handled Christmas a little different this year.  Since Kendra was leaving on Christmas day to spend part of her time in Co. Springs, we had our big meal on Christmas Eve.   It was nice.  Everything came out good and on time. Christmas morning we opened up our gifts.  Hands down, I'd say the best gift I received were a set of three angels that Kimberly and Kendra created for me.  Each angel  represents one of my little darlings.   They now reside in  my nest of lovely things.

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I think Kim's favorite gift was the quilt her Grandma Steele made her.  Judging from the happy dance she did upon realizing what she had opened, I think G.S. was truly plugged into "all things Kimmy." Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Paul hooked me up with some music in my kitchen.  He set up an under- the- cabinet radio/CD player and now I can dance around while I cook and clean.  I'm really enjoying that chance to add a little cardio in the time it takes me to cook up a meal.

We had to run like crazy people to get Kendra to the airport on time, but we managed.  The day was dreary, wet and rainy.  Thankfully there wasn't much traffic or people.  Her flight went off without a hitch and (presumably) she's enjoying herself there in Co.  Hopefully, she's being helpful around the place (she's staying with her aunt).

Kim and Mac created our gingerbread house this year.  It truly is masterful and here are a few shots for your perusal.

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Anonymous said...

I love the on the lookout next year for angel ornaments...have to put in my practice now because I am not crafty at all but there are some women here in Jland that have touched my heart and I want to send my angels to watch over them...can't you tell that I love angels!!


Anonymous said...

I love the pic's honey how are you doing since she has been gone are you holding up ok?

Anonymous said...

ahh I didn't get around to making a gingerbread house, i really wanted to, maybe next year, Missy  

Anonymous said...

Hi Estella,
I'm finally back to J-land and journaling. I let myself get so self absored in my problems that I lost perspective and strayed....I'm not looking back though, only forward. Thanks for hanging with me, your support & friendship means a lot. I wish you a wonderful 2007 filled with all good things and wonderful family memories.

Pooh Hugs,
P.S...............The angels are adorable, what a wonderful gift.