Saturday, December 16, 2006

Freedom's Call

Freedom's Call

(Thanks to Veterans’ & Families)

Heroes whisper, "We gave freedom to you. But what we did wasn't anything new. We're just ordinary people, like you, my friend; but when we were needed, we were there to the end.

“We gave our hearts, we gave our all. Without our strength it would fall. 'Cuz every generation must march to freedom's call...Or we'll have no freedom at all.”

Now this freedom passes on to you. Will you stand for the red, white and blue? Some have fought with a sword, some defend with a pen. But the fight for freedom never ends.

Can you give your heart? Can you give your all? Without your strength it will fall. 'Cuz every generation must march to freedom's call...or we'll have no freedom at all.

To these heroes I reply: “I'm no one special, but my voice counts. Joining with others we will surmount. With a quiet conviction within my heart, I might find a way to do my part: I will give my heart, I will give my all. Without my strength it might fall. 'Cuz every generation must march to freedom's call...Or we'll have no freedom at all.

“Yes, in my generation I'll march to freedom's call...I won't let our freedom fall.”

Words & Music-Mariann Adams,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your entry