Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Foolishness and Mayhem

This weekend we spent getting Kendra settled into her new place. What really should have only taken half a day on Saturday lasted through Sunday noon.

One of the things we needed to accomplish was new cell phone service for the whole family.  Great guy helped us out and I am really pleased with the deal we got.... but even so.. that ordeal took almost three hours on Saturday afternoon!

And then on Sunday I called Kendra in the evening (we'd left her around noon) to just check in and I find out she's in the ER up at Troy.  She had pain and nausea shortly after we left her.  Her roommate took her to the ER (very nice of her).  Kendra had been there for over three hours with an IV running to try and combat the pain while they figured out what was wrong with her.  I drove back up at her request and by the time I arrived, they had released her.  She was sitting on the curb waiting for me.  Poor thing. They diagnosed a UTI. Antibiotics and anti-nausea meds to go, please.

I brought her home and she stayed with me here until noon today.  Classes begin for her tomorrow, so she wanted to get back up there today to get things ready for classes. She is doing fine.  We think her defenses ended up a little low this weekend with all the change and chaos.  She hadn't been taking care of herself the way she is supposed to do. Hopefully, we won't have a repeat of the ER incident for a while.

So now the house is back down to just Kim, Mac and I.  How is it that with just two people gone, this house echoes with silence?




Anonymous said...

Well, the new roomie passed the test, huh?!??!   Glad she'll be fine!!  That CAN be very painful!!


Anonymous said...

What a day!  Glad she had a nice roommate and she's okay. I cried my eyes out for days moving from MI to here leaving Krissy to live with her Dad to finish high school for 2 years.  It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  You will get used to the silence by talking to her by phone, visits home, etc.

Anonymous said...

Lord help us I think that we are going to need each other to get thru this next year I will cry on your shoulder and you can cry on mine hell we wil cry together lol

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Kendra's UTI. I haven't had one for years, but I remember how miserable they make you feel! Hope she's on the mend, and that the start of her classes goes well.

All my best,

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh....not only did you have to face leaving your baby, but then she gets sick!!!! I probably would have had to be admitted too after all of that....bless your poor Mama heart :)
I'm glad she is doing better today and hope that things settle down for her....those infections can be so painful. Glad to know she seems to have a nice roommate, that eases the mind a little, yes?
I'll be praying for you as you go through this transition, it's not an easy one....but soon, although you miss her like crazy, it gets easier & part of life! Anytime you need to talk....you know where to find me, I'll always know how you are feeling.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

The stress of moving and reorganizing can take its toll on a body.  Glad she's okay.
