Monday, August 4, 2008

Nausea, Learner's Permits and Old Navy

Three tales of today.

This morning Kim, Mac and I got on the road early to go to the testing station for driver's permits (for those two). I spent the wee hours this morning hunting up their S.S. cards and their birth certs.  Three forms of ID are required here to get your permit... what do non-military kids use as a third form of ID I wonder?  I made everyone get up at 7:00 am this morning because school starts later this week and I want them in the habit by then.  I rush them through the showers and we head out the door.  I have not been kind, I've been frantic. I still need to take Kim shopping for pants for school. I need to get them tested and bring Mac home so we can head out to Old Navy.

I drive the kids out to the Dale county building that my hubby told me we needed.  Wrong building... get new driving directions.  Arrive at right place, get inside, get our names on the list... then realize I've forgotten all the forms they need to show.  Two choices.. make another round trip plus the time it takes to take the test, or postpone til tomorrow morning.   I chose to postpone because I still need to shop.

So, go home trade out Mac for Kendra and off we go to our closest "big" town to do some of that last minute school shopping. Hit Old Navy for pants.  Kim does not like hip huggers. She likes the sweetheart (mid-rise) that she can get at Old Navy. Success! Then off to buy shoes... two pair for Kendra.. but none for Kim.  She couldn't find anything she liked in her size. UGH.. .well.. I have a little time... I think half the problem is that she really likes her shoes that she has now.. (they have a split)... so nothing short of a clone is going to make her happy.

Finally...  Mac and I watched Cloverfield this afternoon.  I was nauseated for about the second half of the movie.  By the end I had a headache.  Good idea.. lousy execution of project.  Hated that there was no defnitive answer at the end. Reminded me of the Blair Witch Project.


Anonymous said...

You said the same thing my son did about Cloverfield... he didn't like it.  Good luck on the school clothes shopping and the driving tests, tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

When Mandy & I did back to school shopping I always dreaded the shoes....I didn't mind anything else, but she is a shoe queen so she could never make her mind up because she wanted them all. It would take over an hour and it drove me NUTS!!! LOL! Good luck on the driving tests are one busy Mom!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I tackled that saturday and it was a great experience they actually weren't that hard to please this year scary I know ..

Anonymous said...

The driving permits are also on my list of things to do while on vacation.  I also have to make a throughsearch for birth certs and ss cards.  Boy, I hope I have them, lol.
Then I need to go through their clothes and see what they need.  I know they both need shoes.  Shoe shopping for the oldest is easy, it's the youngest that makes me pull my hair out.  He's so pickey.  Usually he decides on the same things as his brother, which doesn't work because they just grab any shoes in the am and there have been times when they have worn each others shoes or one of each, lol.  Boys!!