Thursday, September 7, 2006

Yesterday was a good day, diet wise

I am pleased to announce that my total calories for yesterday were 1263.  I am trying to keep my calories between 1200 and 1500, so yesterday was a very good day.

Still haven't found the cables I need to hook up the VCR/DVD player to my TV.  I keep getting sidetracked by other things.

Today, my goals are to find the cable, finish clearing the kitchen of its current mess, do some more laundry, clear off the packing stuff from the dining room table, and run to the commissary to pick up apple juice for Mac.

Let's see how much I get done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay you for having such a great eating day!!!  Estela you have so much going on right now with the recent move, Paul leaving, Mac's stomach, kids in a new school...not to mention being in a brand new place and probably not really knowing your way around too well.  For now eat healthy and get life things straight like unpacking and setting up the house the way you want it.  Soon enough you'll find those cables and you'll be able to whip out an exercise video...then you'll regret ever finding them!!!  Take it one thing at a healthy..get your house and family in their groove and then when things settle down you'll get to the exercising part of it...try not to stress yourself out...Hang in there!!!  Angie