Friday, November 10, 2006

Favorite Childrens Books


Weekend Assignment: Favorite Children's Books

Found this assignment at the journals editor blog.  Thought it looked like fun, and I'm sharing the link for anyone else that would like to play this weekend.  Although, I do understand that this assignment actually comes from another source, all the details are at the link above.

The first Children's book that really stands out to me is one that I read repeatedly with my mother during first grade.  I did a search on the internet and found the rhyme, although not anything about the book itself.


Ladybug!  Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children all gone.

Kendra's favorite Children's story was Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  I first started telling her this story by memory.  I had no book to accompany.  She asked for that story so often at bedtime that for Christmas one year I found a beautifully drawn picture book of the story, which I presented to her as one of her gifts.  And though I know she liked the book (she's saving it for when she has children), she still would ask me to tell her the story "without the book, Mommy."

For Kimberly, I think her favorite book was "One Yellow Lion".   It was the cutest counting book and she would ask for this book at bedtime.  She still remembers loving the counting book.  I think I need to replace that one.  It has of course seen better days.

And Mackenzie, well.. he always liked adventure books... so his favorite book to have read was "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."  Since the release of the movie, he has begun reading through all the volumes of that series.

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