Monday, November 27, 2006

Shaking off the glut and getting back to action

It's been a long weekend.  The damage has been recorded.  This morning I weighed in at 220.8.  This year I am trying a new approach to getting back where I started.  I am using a 3 day Metabolism boosting diet plan. It was in the Woman's World Nov. 14 issue

This is a 3 day diet in which you can drop 5,6, even 7 lbs.
It's based on 9 amazing metabolism boosting foods.
1. eggs 2. salsa 3. coffee 4. steel cut oats  5. coconut oil  6. cinnamon 7. Apple cider vinegar 8. Salmon and tuna  9. nuts
For three days you eat the following meals
upon rising: 8 ounces water mixed with 2 tsp. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
Breakfast: 1 egg plus 3 egg whites cooked in 1/2 tsp. extra virgin coconut oil
2 Tbsp. spicy salsa
3/4 cup steel-cut oats, 1/2 tsp maple syrup, dash cinnamon
Coffee break: 8 ounces skim latte or warm fat-free milk, dash cinnamon
1 small apple
Lunch: 3 cups mixed salad (greens, bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, parsley)
3 ounces chicken breast or tuna
1/2 tsp olive oil, apple cider vinegar and seasoning to taste
Snack: 8 ounces Spicy V8 juice or low-sodium tomato juice with 3 shakes Tabasco
1 stalk celery
pre dinner: 8 ounces water mixed with 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
Dinner: 4 ounces salmon or tuna, 1 tbs. spice rub
2 cups broccoli or green beans, 1/2 tsp coconut oil
1/2 cup brown rice or small sweet potato
Snack: 6 almonds or walnut halves
After the third day, you can move on to your regular diet or continue this diet, but you need to add at least another 200 calories a day AND a multivitamin.
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Kim and Kendra are back to school today.  I had to use a bit of "tough love" on Kendra to get her out of bed and out the door.  Her boyfriend that she left behind in Germany officially broke her heart this weekend in his blog on myspace.  Kind of a "chicken shit" way to deal with it if you ask me.  Even a private e-mail first would have been better than to have to read about his infidelity on his blog.  She cried most of last night and tried to use the lack of sleep as an excuse to stay home.  But she's already missed 10 days of school, so I just don't feel I can allow her that luxury.  I'm sure I'll be branded an "uncaring" mother later. Such is life.  I hate having to be the adult. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I may have to try this  This may be the one thing I haven't tried.  Let us know how it works out!

Sorry about Kendra's jerk off boyfriend....yeah, I agree, a private email would have been the better route to take.  But Karma's gonna bite him right in the

Hugs, Angie