Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Finally, a "10" diet day

Today I've managed to stay on plan with my eating.  By the time I go to bed tonight I will have met my caloric goals of 1200.

I also walked my four miles today.  It was awesome. I really like the energy that I feel after I finish my walks. If my calculations are correct (and who knows) then I am currently burning about 600 calories at the speed that this tape goes (at my current weight). 

Okay.. so 9 days of walking and one great day of calorie control.  Here's to stringing a few of these types of days together.


Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO girl I wish I could say that I ..... I am so proud of you when you get in the grove it is great I am just waiting for my grove to kick back in have a good night and a great day tomorrow

Anonymous said...

This is awesome Estela!  Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Wow,great job.

Anonymous said...

GREAT job! Your doing better then I am! But I am back on track again today!